Why does he sound like a player down on the field with a wad of "Big League Chew" in his mouth?
Why does he skip consonants when he garbles sentences like "Struck...'em out" and "Fly Baw...right field...it's gawn"?
Why does he sound like he is going to say something else, and then stops talking?
Why does he continue to mangle the Spanish language?
Why is he more than a little depressed when the other team scores?
In listing these "pet peeves", I learned something about how we feel about baseball announcers: You can't please everybody. Jerry Howarth is a wonderful man with a wonderful voice for baseball; if you asked me to imitate him, I believe I could do fairly well in that department, as would Don Landry from the FAN 590 radio station here in Toronto. However, some of my friends don't like him because they think "his voice is more suited to a dentist's office than a baseball game". Perhaps, announcers are an extension of the baseball team? Unlike the players on the field, announcer fill a role during the game. They have streaks of great games, and then they have slumps. Finally when they move on or be replaced, the new announcer tries to fill the void the previous commentator left behind, just like in baseball.

I suppose I can live with this arrangement for now, but if this continues past 2011 I move Bob McCown and Jamie Campbell broadcast Jays games on Tuesday nights.
What is this "Cease and Desist" order doing in my mailbox? Oh well...
In the meantime, enjoy...